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Medevac of injured crew member
The volunteer crew of the Sheerness all -weather lifeboat ‘Judith Copping Joyce’ was tasked by the UK Coastguard on Sep 7, 2022, to rendezvous with the ‘Reimerswaal’ at The Warps pilot boarding area in the Thames estuary to medevac a crew member with serious fractures to his arm. Launching at 4.57 p.m. with a crew of six on board, the lifeboat was on the scene at 5.45 p.m. where the casualty was quickly and safely transferred from the dredger to the ALB and from there, along with a crew mate, he was taken back to the boathouse at Sheerness, arriving at 6.32 p.m. A call was put in to request an Ambulance to pick up the victim, but with the possibility of a three to four hour wait the decision was taken that one of the crew members would drive the two men to Medway Hospital. With the man on his way to hospital the lifeboat was re-fuelled, cleaned and ready for further service at 6.45 p.m. Report with photo:
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