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Medevac off Cherbourg
On July 24, 2015, the "Raven Arrow" reported to the CROSS) Jobourg that one of its crew members, a Filipino sailor of 33 years, had siffered cardiac distress. The vessel was 60 mile west of Cherbourg enroute to Flushing. The CROSS Jobourg made a conference call with the centre for maritime medical consultation in Toulouse which advised a medical evacuation. The CROSS immediately dispatched anb EC 225 helicopter of the naval based at Maupertus with a doctor and a nurse of the medical center of Querqueville on board which was on scene at 7 a.m. The medical team was hoisted on board for a more accurate assessment, before the patient was taken off. The helicopter landed at Cherbourg at 9 a.m. from where he was taken to the Cherbourg Hospital and then transferred further to the Jean Monot Hospital in Le Havre at 10 a.m.
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