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Repair of damaged engines taking longer than expected
Since start of April 2013 the "Povl Ankor" has been sailing on half power as it has taken much longer to repair the two engines which were destroyed because they were not sufficiently warmed up before when they were started. The ferry was not expected to be able to sail at normal speed again before June 20 when the two damaged engines were expected to return to normal operating condition. The fourth engine will be completely repaired later. On three of its on the whole four engines the ferry will be able to sail fast enough to meet the sailing schedule.
No replacement for fast ferry due to engine trouble
The "Povl Anker" suffered engine trouble on Mar 19, 2013, and was unable to replace the fast ferry "Villum Clausen", which could not cope with the stormy seas, on the route between Ronne and Ystad as planned. Instead the "Hammerodde" has been inserted. The "Povl Anker" should have sailed to Ystad at 06.30 a.m., but due to technical problems on one of it's main engines, had to remain sidelined in Rönne. It was hoped the "Povl Anker" should be ready again for the trip from Ronne to Ystad at 7.30 p.m.
POVL ANKER 7633143
One port worker suffered a broken hand, and another lost part of at least three fingers on May 1, 2011, when they were caught in a rope during a manoever of the "Povl Anker" at Rønne harbour. The accident happened when the vessel moved from the cruise pier to its usual berthe, and the man's hand got trapped between a bollard and rope. The Bornholm Ferry Company has now received an order from the Labour Inspectorate to take control of procedures for rope handling at the port immediately. They were not in order, the day the accident occurred, said Karsten Christensen of Labour Inspection. - There have been a misunderstanding in relation to the instruction set for handling beliefs, and causes he has got his hand caught in a time when it normally would not be possible, "explains Karsten Christensen. The ferry has the opportunity to make objections to the injunction. Anhören Umschrift Neu! Klicken Sie auf die oben stehenden Wörter, um Alternativübersetzungen zu sehen. Schließen Wörterbuch
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