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Various vessels stuck in ice
A number of vessels got stuck in ice along the Northern Sea Route, most of them awaiting icebreaker assistance to be guided through the ice. The 'Nordic Quinngua', enroute from Milne Inlet to Nakhodka, the 'Golden Pearl', en route from Murmansk to Lanshan, and the 'UHL Fusion', en route from Esbjerg to Vladivostok, were led thorugh the Laptev Sea by the nuclear icebreaker 'Taymyr'. The bulk carriers 'Nordic Nuluujaak', en route from Milne Inlet to Nakhodka, and 'Golden Suek', en route from Murmansk to China, were still stuck, waiting to be freed in the East Siberian Sea. The 'Poolgracht', en route from Dongjing to Gydan, 'UHL Faith', en route from Taicang to Hamburg, and the 'UHL Flash', en route from Taicang to Rotterdam, were stuck in the Vil'kitskogo Strait resp. Laptev Sea as well. About a dozen Russian cargo ships were also positioned along the route, either waiting for icebreaker assistance or trying to find passages through the ice floes.
Hansa Heavy Lift transports two minehunt ING naval ships between France and UAE
Hansa Heavy Lift has successfully completed a round - trip voyage involving the transportation of two minehunting naval ships , each weighing 670 metric tonnes, between France and the Persian Gulf, the company said in its press release. The two French Navy - owned ships, which also measured 51 . 50 x 8 . 90 x 3 . 80 metres , were loaded onto the HHL Fremantle in Brest and transported to the Persian Gulf, before being brought back again on a second voyage, with both locations being military bases.
Medevac off Rostock
On Oct 18, 2016, a crew member of the "HHL Fremantle", which was anchored 3,5 miles North of Warnemünde on Rostock roads, was suffering from chest pains and had to be medevaced. The lifeboat "Arkona" was deployed to the ship at 8.30 a.m. with an emergency doctor and three medicals on board. The lifeboat went alongside in calm seas, and the Ukrainian sailor was stabilized before being disembarked with a crane. He was taken to Warnemünde and delivered to a waiting ambulance. German report with photo: http://www.seenotretter.de/aktuelles/seenotfaelle/ansicht/news/seenotretter-bringen-erkrankten-seemann-eines-schwergutfrachters-sicher-an-land/
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