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Detention with 40 defiencies
The 'Pontica' was subjected to a Port State Control in the port of Uddevalla after its arrival en route from Barranquilla on Jan 5, 2025. No fewer than 40 deficiencies were discovered during the inspections. The ship must now ensure that the deficiencies are rectified. The Swedish Transport Agency will then carry out a new inspection before it can be allowed to leave Uddevalla again. It left the port again only on Feb 10, next headed to Kiel. Report with photo: https://www.sjofartstidningen.se/tva-fartyg-halls-kvar-i-uddevalla/
Repair still going on
The "Pirgos" is still under repair at the MAN Diesel Y Turbo Canarias S.L.' repair berth at Las Palmas and actually ballasted forward to enable access to engine room, propeller and tail shaft areas. The ship is under major repairs of tailshaft and main engine repairs since half a year. The ship had suffered engine failure in the Atlantic in November 2014. Photos: http://www.shipspotting.com/gallery/photo.php?lid=2251231 http://www.shipspotting.com/gallery/photo.php?lid=2251228
Disabled ship towed to Canarys
On Nov 30, 2014, the "Pirgos" arrived at Las Palmas being towed by the tug "VB Artico" (IMO: 7613014) of Boluda Towage and Salvage after having suffered engine failure underway from Santa Cruz de Tenerife in the Atlantic Ocean, around 1200 miles off Las Palmas. The ship could be taken in tow despite stormy conditions with winds of 120 km/h. The casualty was delivered at Muelle Pesquero on Nov 30 at 1.45 p.m. and was remaining there since. Spanish report with photo: http://www.naucher.com/es/actualidad/el-remolcador-de-boluda-vb-artico-rescata-al-buque-pirgos/_n:2831/
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