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Wheelhouse crushed in bridge allision
In the evening of Jan 3, 2018, the "Dolfijn", 2066 ts (EU-No.: 02324337), struck a pillar on the Baudouin bridge in Huy sailing on the Meuse towards Liège. The bridge was temporarily closed to traffic and traffic diverted via the Europe Bridge. It could be reopened in the morning of Jan 4 after an inspection by the Operational Directorate for Mobility and Waterways of the Public Service of Wallonia (SPW) hadded check the stability of the building. The work of the team was hampered by the darkness and the heavy currents on the river due to rainfalls. But it turned out that only a few stones facing one of the pilasters of the bridge were torn off, which could be repaired at a later date. The heavily damaged barge, guided by a Czech master, lost its wheelhouse and got several deck installations crushed. It berthed downstream of the accident site at the Ampsin Dam bridge where a mobile crane started to remove the debris from the main deck. French video report: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6cmqaq http://www.sudinfo.be/2029080/article/2018-01-04/huy-la-peniche-qui-a-heurte-le-pont-baudouin-est-fortement-endommagee-video
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