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Castaways in good health aboard 'Avó Músico'
The 19 fishermen of the 'Pico Tresmares', who were rescued by the crew of the longliner 'Avó Músico' on March 17, were in good health. They will be disembarked as soon as possible. Upon arrival, they will likely be questioned regarding the fire that could not be extinguished and which forced a rapid evacuation of the fishing vessel. She uses the port of Vacamonte as its usual hub before resuming operations off the coast of Chile.. The vessel, although part of the Galician group Pombo, responded to the distress call from the captain of the 'Pico Tresmares'. Upon arriving at the scene of the accident, the 19 crew members were in the life raft, in good condition despite the heavy rain. The 'Avó Músico' arrived at the position at night and waited until dawn to see the situation of the 'Pico Tresmares', but the Celeiro longliner, attached to the Vigo Shipowners' Cooperative (ARVI), had already sunk. The Maritime Accident and Incident Investigation Commission (CIAIM) will be responsible for investigating the causes of the sinking, which occurred in international waters. The 'Pico Tresmares' had departed Vacamonte on Feb 23 for the fishing area. Report with photos: https://www.laopinioncoruna.es/galicia/2025/03/18/naufragio-pico-tresmares-buque-hundido-115426874.html
Longliner sank after fire - crew rescued
The 'Pico Tresmares' with 19 crew memberson board, sank in the South Pacific, approximately 1,000 miles west of La Serena, Chile, after a fire broke out in the vessel's engine room on the morning of March 18. It spread rapidly and beyond control. The fishing vessel requested assistance from the RCC of Salvamento Marítimo in Madrid. The Chilean rescue was in charge of coordinating the SAR operation, which alerted vessels in the area during the stormy night. The Portuguese fishing vessel 'Avo Músico' (IMO: 9280043), which was four sailing hours away, diverted to the scene and rescued the entire crew, who were in good condition and had already boarded the life rafts. Their longliner had capsized and sunk. The castaways remained aboard the "Avo Músico" awaiting the transfer in the coming hours to another vessel belonging to the same company, the 'Illa Gaveira' (IMO 9098268), which was 960 nautical miles north-northwest of the scene. Photos: https://x.com/salvamentogob/status/1901973745675432136
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