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Safety fine of 6000 Euro for skipper being drunk at the helm
The "ABis Bergen" left Rostock again on Mar 29 at 11.20 a.m. bound for Lemwerder, ETA Mar 30, 2016. On Mar 26 at 8 p.m.she had got off course and ran aground near the ilsand Pagenwerder on the Lower Warnow while trying to leave the seaport of Rostock and blocked the port entrance timewise. The tug "Fairplay 6" was called to pull the ship off. Officers of the water police remarked strong smell of alcohol when interrogating the captain and made a breathalyzer test which showed an alcohol level of 1,48 milliliters. He had to pay a safety fine of 6000 Euro.
Drunk captain grounds ship in German port
A heavily drunk captain managed to ground his 85-metre vessel in the harbour of the northern German port of Rostock, harbour police reported Sunday. The damaged ship, the Abis Bergen from the Netherlands, blocked the entrance to the harbour on Saturday evening and had to be towed free, the police said. The captain, who was completely unfit to pilot his vessel, immediately veered off course after leaving the harbour. When breathalysed he was found to have an alcohol level of 1.48 millilitres, well above the legal limit. He now faces charges of endangering shipping traffic.
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