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Report into collision off Gibraltar published
On Feb 4, 2025, the Government of Gibraltar has published the official report on the investigation into the collision accident and subsequent sinking of the 'OS 35' on Aug 29, 2022. The 'OS 35' had been taking bunker fuel at anchor close opposite Camp Bay. As it weighed anchor and moved to sail from Gibraltar, the master on the 'OS 35' initially manoeuvred astern but became concerned that the vessel was drifting due to the tidal flow and wind. Despite a change in manoeuvre, the 'OS 35' collided with the LNG tanker 'Adam LNG' and began taking on water as it sailed toward Europa Point before being ordered aground off Catalan Bay. The investigation was conducted in accordance with the Gibraltar Merchant Shipping (Accident Reporting and Investigation) Regulations 2012. Its primary objective was to improve maritime safety and prevent future incidents of a similar nature. In the 37-page report, the Office of the Marine Accident Investigation Compliance Officer, part of the Ministry for Business, Tourism and the Port, reached a number of conclusions about the incident and made some recommendations aimed at improving safety. The investigation found that the master and bridge team on the 'OS 35' did not monitor the departure manoeuvre effectively and made an error in their understanding of the effects of the tidal flow and wind. The Gibraltar Port Authority’s Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) monitored the manoeuvre but its interventions did not alter the actions of the master or prevent the collision. After the collision, the VTS instructed the 'OS 35' to sail into shallow water to prevent the ship from sinking. The operator of the 'OS 35' was recommended by investigators to review bridge team training and procedures prior to arrival and departure without a pilot onboard. The GPA was recommended to require VTS to provide clear advice to vessels prior to giving permission to depart from the Western Anchorage. It was also urged to consider compulsory pilotage for departing vessels, while Gibraltar Pilots, the company that provides pilotage services, was advised to offer clear information to captains on the availability of a pilot for departure from the Western Anchorage, even if this was not a requirement. The departure from the Western Anchorage in light wind and weak tidal conditions is a relatively straight forward manoeuvre, which is monitored by VTS. It was considered unlikely that the actions of VTS or the 'Adam LNG' could have prevented the collision. Had a pilot been on board the 'OS 35', the [initial] manoeuvre astern would not have been their chosen option for the location and conditions that were found on the day. Had the 'OS 35'’s turn to port been initiated as the anchor was being lifted there was sufficient sea room to continue moving ahead and turn to port to depart the anchorage to the west. There was also suitable sea room to pass between the vessels ahead, which would have provided greater control of the vessel than by manoeuvring astern, where the manoeuvre is more difficult to control and monitor, according to the report.
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Vessel of of Water at Heavy Lift vessel
The Port of Gibraltar has confirmed that the operation to raise both sections of the vessel OS 35 wreck out of the water was successfully completed https://shippingtelegraph.com/ship-accidents/gibraltar-wrecked-os-35-bulker-clearance-operations-underway/?fbclid=IwAR18k3dmppslgPfIVCsaxfdmKmQy704kDBhExCMgYSPpIC7SogR20Swg4Qs
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