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Opponents against fish farms boarded ship
The "Orca Chief" was taken over by group of opponents against fish farms in B.C. at the Point Hope Shipyard on Sep 5, 2018, with one woman taping herself to the navigational antenna on the top of the ship in a direct action against fish farms. At least three protesters from Fish Farms Out Now and The Matriarch Camp were on board the vessel that belongs to fish-farm corporation Marine Harvest Canada. Protester Samantha Matthews was taped to the ship’s antenna. The groups were calling for an end to open-net fish farming. Three protesters were arrested and removed at 8:45 a.m., including leader Tsastilqualus Ambers’ son. The Victoria police arrested six people for mischief and breaking-and-entering the "Orca Chief". The last person, who had duct-taped herself to the mast, was removed from the ship about 11:50 a.m. using a Victoria Fire Department ladder truck. Report with photo and video: https://www.vicnews.com/news/protester-tapes-herself-to-ship-in-victoria-shipyard-in-direct-action-against-fish-farms/
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