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Olympia cleared to sail
The "Olympia" (EU-No.: 08046009) left the port of Basel on July 4 at 9.5 p.m. and headed towards Weil upon Rhine. The French river cruise ship "Lafayette" (EU-No.: 01822624) was remaining in Basel by Aug 5. The Swiss dredger "Merlin" (MMSI-No. :269057500), remained secured bottom up with steel ropes at a small leisure boat basin in Basel at the Rhine shore. It lost some amounts of diesel fuel, and the search was on for the deck's crane which was lost from the deck when the ship capsized.
Cruise ship still stuck
The Swiss flagged barge "Merlin" (MMSI-No. :269057500), which had capsized on the Rhine in Basel was secured bottom up at the West quay in Basel with steel ropes by a boat of the fire brigade and the tug "Vogel Gryff". The passengers of the "Olympia" (EU-No.: 08046009) returned on board as well of those of the the French "Lafayette" (EU-No.: 01822624), but both ships remained moored in Basel for surveys and repairs in the evening. Swiss reports with photos: http://www.luzernerzeitung.ch/nachrichten/panorama/panorama-sda/Frachtschiff-kentert-auf-dem-Rhein-bei-Basel;art46441,403742 http://bazonline.ch/basel/stadt/Die-Besatzung-des-Kiesschiffes-hatte-grosses-Glueck/story/17213466
Capsized barge in collision with river cruise ship
On Aug 4, 2014, short past 8 a.m. the barge "Merlin" being loaded with Gravel capsized in in Basel at the Rhine port Kleinhüningen and drifted against the port side of the "Olympia" which was approaching the accident site on its way to Colonia and which was unable to keep clear of the cargo ship which was drifting bottom up in the fairway. The "Olympia" veered off course due to the impact and hit a French passenger m/v which was moored at the shore. The "Olympia" had on board 40 British passengers who were gathered on the upper deck with their life vests on. The cruise ship which had suffered a leak was able to berth, and the passengers were safely disembarked. A tug meanwhile tried to take the "Merlin" in tow. Swiss reports with photos and videos: http://www.news.ch/Keine+Verletzten+bei+der+Karambolage+mehrerer+Schiffe+in+Basel/633954/detail.htm http://bazonline.ch/basel/Das-Baggerschiff-kurz-vor-dem-Kentern/story/30387559 http://www.20min.ch/schweiz/basel/story/11069651 http://www.blick.ch/news/schweiz/basel/basler-boots-karambolage-im-video-hier-rammt-die-olympia-den-gekenterten-kieslader-id3029812.html http://www.badische-zeitung.de/weil-am-rhein/rhein-bei-basel-zwei-schiffe-kollidieren-mit-gekentertem-frachter--88323089.html http://bazonline.ch/basel/stadt/Kiesschiff-kentert-auf-dem-Rhein/story/22956551
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