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Medevac off Calais
On May 18, 2020, a crew member of the 'Olita' was seriously injured sailor and had to be medevaced from the ship off Calais. At 10.03 a.m. the CROSS Gris-Nez was notified by the port of Dunkirk about the 64 year old man who had suffered a serious injury to the hand when the ship was nine kilometers north of Calais, enroute from Terneuzen to Dunkirk. After consultation with the maritime medical consultation center and then the medical maritime coordination SAMU, an immediate evacuation of the injured sailor was decided. At 10.33 a.m. the CROSS deployed a Dauphin helicopter from the French Navy flotilla 35F stationed at Le Touquet to carry out the operation. The victim was hoisted on board the helicopter at 11:13 a.m. and was dropped off at the 2 Caps hospital in Coquelles at 11:17 a.m., where he was taken care of by medical teams. French report with photo: https://www.premar-manche.gouv.fr/communiques-presse/evacuation-medicale-a-bord-d-un-navire-de-commerce-au-large-de-calais-62
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