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Fire on barge in Nieuwegein
At the Sluispad in Nieuwegein near the Plof lock a fire broke out in the engine room of the ""Octopoda", 672 ts (EU-No.: 03170623), on Nov 21, 2018, at 7.45 p.m. The blaze was accompanied by dense smoke and comlicated to tackle due to the high temperature. The fire rescue from Vlanen was alerted. To get the fire under control, a Cobra coldcutter was used to insert water with jets to decrease the temperature. Damage to the ship was significant. A fault in the electronics was thought to have caused the fire. Dutch reports with photos: https://www.rtvutrecht.nl/nieuws/1848841/complexe-brand-op-schip-nieuwegein-cobra-coldcutter-ingezet.html https://www.ad.nl/utrecht/cobra-cutter-blust-brand-aan-boord-van-binnenvaartschip~a031a3c8/ http://www.nieuwegein-nieuws.nl/nieuws/scheepvaartbrand-aan-het-sluispad/
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