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Freighter allided with pier, considerable damage
The "Ocean Treasure", enroute from Rotterdam to San Lorenzo, struck a pier at the port of General San Martín on the Paraná river on Apr 24, 2018. The accident happened when the ship was passing the Santa Fé Terminal 6 and hit the grains hub. The southern pier of terminal 6 remained operational, with difficulties on the barge docks due to the blockage caused by the ship that generated the accident. The north dock of terminal 6 suffered some serious damage. The bulkcarrier demolished one of the towers of the north davit of the dock in Terminal 6 and a conveyor belt. A container which served as a workshop with one worker who was identified as Emanuel López inside fell into the river. The worker could be rescued by the fire brigade and was taken to the Mapaci Sanatorium in Rosario with a fractured arm. The bulkcarrier remained moored close to the accident site. It sailed agaon on May 16, bound to Bahia Blanca, ETA May 24. Spanish reports with photos and videos: https://tn.com.ar/sociedad/un-barco-choco-contra-un-muelle-en-el-puerto-de-santa-fe_864922 http://laizquierdadiario.com/Grave-accidente-laboral-en-Terminal-6-de-Puerto-San-Martin https://www.lacapital.com.ar/la-region/un-buque-gran-porte-choco-contra-un-muelle-terminal-6-n1596495.html https://www.lacapital.com.ar/la-region/no-fue-una-tragedia-porque-ocurrio-un-cambio-turno-advirtio-el-gremio-n1596210.html https://www.lanacion.com.ar/2128789-increible-choque-de-un-barco-de-hong-kong-contra-un-muelle-en-rosario https://puntobiz.com.ar/noticias/val/117301/val_s/129/buque-de-hong-kong-perdio-el-control-y-choco-contra-muelle-de-terminal-6.html
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