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Arrest in Porto Empedocle,
The Coast Guard of Porto Empedocle has detained the "Uta" after a thorough survey by the PSC inspectors on March 13, 2020. They found sub-standard conditions according to international regulations for navigation safety. The ship was arrested due to serious deficiencies regarding the preparation of the crew for emergencies, the malfunction of the emergency fire pump and the quality of the management system. The ship may only leave port again once the defiencies have been rectified and another inspection been carried out to the satisfaction of the surveyors. The vessel has been released after the relevant defiencies were addressed and sailed on March 18, at 12.30 p.m., bound to Genova with an ETA as of March 21. Italian report with photo:
Allision in Næstved
On Oct 31, 2018, at 3.20 p.m. the "Uta" allided with the quayside at Næstved. The ship which had been in port since Oct 25 returned to its dock to be examined for damage. After nothing was found, the case has been passed to the Danish Maritime Authority. The ship was allowed to resume the voyage to Klaipeda with an ETA as of Nov 3, 11 a.m.
Grounding in Bozcaarda Channel
On Feb 2, 2014, at 11.30 a.m. the "Uta" ran aground in the Bozcaada Channel. The Vessel Traffic Center was alerted and dispatched the tug "Kurama 2" for assistance. The ship was enroute from Siteia to Akcansa with a cargo of gypsum.
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