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Cattle carrier left drydock
On Apr 30 the "Gruno" and "Gruno II" pulled the "Express 1" out of drydock at the Emder Dockyard. The ship was moored in the industry port. Dutch photo report:
Trouble plagued livestock carrier back in yard
The trouble plagued "Express 1" sailed from Fowey on Mar 21 for Falmouth Bay. The following day the ship left Falmouth Bay destined fot Emden where she arrived on Mar 24 and docked at the shipyard EWD - Emder Werft und Dockbetriebe on Mar 25 at 8.45 a.m.
Livestock carrier remains under detention - substandard living conditions not tolerated
The "Express 1" remained detained in Fowey as the necessary improvements have not yet been made to the vessel which was towed into Fowey on Feb 3 after the ship suffered engine failure off the Lizard. An investigation was launched after the authorities discovered the crew had no hot water or heating and had not received adequate safety training. The ship remained under detention while maintenance work continued to ensure the ship meets safety standards. MCA would re-inspect it once the maintenance work was completed. The detention was served for a number of safety issues, including concern over the crew's emergency training, the fire detection systems, and deficiencies in the crew accommodation with a lack of hot water and heating. Sub-standard living conditions for crew members would not be tolerated, the MCA said. The MCA and Port Health Authorities ensured there was no risk to safety, the environment, crew health and welfare and to public health ashore. Report with photos: Video:
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