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Freighter detained for pumping ballast water into German ports
On Jan 29, 2025, the "Nordwind" was inspected by officers of the water police Kiel in the port of Rendsburg. It was found that the ballast water treatment system had been defective since September 2024; the ballast water had since then been pumped overboard via a bypass. Neither the flag state, the classification society, nor the loading and unloading ports were informed of this. Further investigations revealed that a total of 719 m³ was pumped into the port of Hamburg on three different days. Following a presentation of the facts to the Authority for the Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture (BUKEA) in Hamburg, a total security deposit of 44,238 euros was ordered against the Philippine Chief Engineer. In the port of Wolgast, a total of 508 m³ of ballast water was pumped into the port on two different days. After a presentation of the facts at the Wolgast Port Authority, a total security deposit of 36,000 euros was ordered against the Philippine Chief Engineer. The total security deposit was therefore 80,238 euros. Furthermore, registration deficiencies were identified, so that theFederal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) recommended a total security deposit of 528.50 euros. The Ship Safety Department was informed of the deficiencies identified. Administrative offense reports and reports to the flag state are being prepared, and further investigations will follow.
Collided with the bulk carrier
Collided with the bulk carrier Dione when docking at Brake Port,Germany:
Picture from collision
4 Days later after crash with Sea Endurance Imo 9516179 at Havstensfjord 14.11.21 Picture from Brake: ,
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