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Ferry damaged in allision
At the quay in Askvoll, the "Davik" was damaged afther the "Nordfjord" was blown aganst it in the afternoon of Marh 23. when two ferries were blown onto each other. There was also damage to the ferry terminal which made it necessary for ferries to turn around to allow the cars to be unloaded. The "Davik" had to be taken out of service due to the damage sufffered. Fjord 1 was looking for a spare ferry. For the time being, a passenger boat was inserted Askvoll at 11:45 and the return from Værlandet between Askvoll and Værlandet.
Ferry sidelined due to technical trouble
On May 24, 2014, the ferry service Rysjedalsvika - Krakhella - Rutledal was closed for several hours due to a major technical problem of the "Nordfjord". The ferry had suffered trouble with a cooling pump and thus had to be sidelined for the installation of a new pump. Repairs would be completed on May 26 at the earliest. Ferry service was kept upright with shuttle boats between Krakhella and Rysjedalsvika.
Ferry service interrupted due to quay fire
Sailings of the "Nordfjord" were affected by a fire in the machine housing of the ferry landing at Krakhella at May 21, 2014, at 2 p.m. The shed to the ferry trapdoor on the dock which contained 200 to 250 liters of hydraulic oil, was alight. The "Nordfjord", which runs from Rykkjedalsvika to Krakhella, was informed about the fire at 3 p.m. The fire department put out the fire , but the quay was inoperative for an uncertain time. Norwegian report with photo:
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