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Tanker exceeded allowed draught
Officers of the police boat "Vossbrook" being on patrol on the Kiel Canal on Jan 4, 2014, noticed on 01.04.2015 that the westbound tanker "Nike" was obviously too low in the water. After the tanker docked in the Great North Lock in Brunsbüttel at 11.40 a.m., a control was carried out which showed that the ship which was laden with 7050 tonnes of heavy fuel was well below the permissible minimum freeboard of nine centimeters. The ship, which was en route from St. Petersburg to Wilhelmshaven, was arrested by the Ship Safety Division until 150 tons sufficient ballast water on board the tanker were pumped out on the Neufeld roads. After another control by the water police showed that the minimum freeboard was reached, the ship was allowed to continue the journey. Against the captain a misdemeanor procedure was initiated. He had to pay a security deposit. German report with photo:
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