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New Charter fixed
dely China 25 Mar , $21,000, for 11/13 months, to SwissMarine
Diana Shipping Gets Charters for Two Bulkers
Greek dry bulk shipping company Diana Shipping has entered into time charter contracts for its two vessels, the M/V Orleans and the M/V Melite, which are scheduled to start in December 2016. "Diana Shipping, through a separate wholly-owned subsidiary, has entered into a time charter contract with Koch Shipping Pte Ltd, Singapore, for one of its ize dry bulk vessels, the m/v New Orleans," says a statement from the company. The gross charter rate is US$11,250 per day, minus a 5% commission paid to third parties, for a period of minimum twelve (12) months to maximum sixteen (16) months. The charter is expected to commence on December 10, 2016. The “New Orleans” is a 180,960 dwt Capesize dry bulk vessel built in 2015.
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