1361 days ago
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The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) detained two tankers which were caught illegally transferring 300,000 litres of marine gas oil (MGO) in the sea off Tanjung Piai on Feb 11. The "Pacific Brave" and "Pelangi Berjaya" were detected about three nautical miles southeast of Tanjung Piai, at 1.45am. Upon checking, an estimated 300,000 litres of MGO were being siphoned from the "Pacific Brave" to the "Pelangi Berjaya". Both vessels failed to produce a permit from the marine department to carry out activities of ship-to-ship transfer of oil. The crew were comprising 16 Indonesians, a Malaysian and a Myanmar. The vessel owners were liable to be charged under the Merchant Ship Ordinance (MSO) 1952 for failure to inform the marine department director, prior to carrying out such activity. If found guilty, the owners are liable to be fined a maximum RM100,000 or jailed for two years, or both. Report with photo:
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