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3-7 months trading Continent + Baltic for 8200 $ daily with Maersk
CMA CGM commences regular calls to Bronka
CMA CGM commences regular calls to Multipurpose Sea Cargo Complex "Bronka" (Big Port St. Petersburg) from January 31, 2016, says press center of port Bronka investor Fenix LLC. Container carrier Voronezh operating on Rotterdam-Hamburg-Saint-Petersburg-Rotterdam route being serviced by 1,730-TEU ships delivered containers with consumer goods from China while containers with plywood sheets were shipped to Rotterdam. The next call is expected on February 5. Container carrier Vladimir will deliver more cargoes to port Bronka. The long-term agreement for handling and storage of container cargoes was signed by port Bronka investor Fenix LLC and shipping company CMA СGM in the end of 2015. CMA CGM ships will call at Bronka regularly, once a week.
12 months charter extension, trading Continent - Baltic, CMA CGM
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