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Tanker crew awarded as the Seafarer of the Year 2016
The Monjasa Group (Monjasa) on Dec 19, 2016, announced that Lloyd’s List has awarded the captain and crew on board the "Accra" with the Seafarer of the Year 2016 award for carrying out a rescue operation off East Africa in July. While transiting the Mozambique Channel on July 4, the tanker picked up a mayday call and observed distress rockets fired from the five crew aboard the offshore vessel "Fiona", which was experiencing a total blackout and had been drifting for 24 hours with no power, no long distance communication, and no propulsion available. In response, the "Accra" crew made plans with Monjasa’s technical ship management company Montec for emergency towing and the evacuation of the five "Fiona" crew members if required. The "Accra" remained on scene for nearly 48 hours, providing moral support, communication, and food to crew of the distressed vessel. Early on July 6, a fishing vessel arrived with batteries and tools from shore enabling the "Fiona" to regain power and propulsion. Monjasa’s shipping department wished to salute the captain and crew on the "Accra" for handling the situation perfectly and in a very professional manner. "Clearly, their actions made a huge difference and seeing a successful conclusion to a serious situation like this makes it well worth all the efforts."
The „SP Athens“ was robbed in the night of Mar 11, 2010. Unnoticed an unknown number of armed men climbed the stern of the ship 2,6 miles southeast of Tandzhung Ajjam, Malaysia, in the Malakka St. In the engine room they arrested and tied up a mechanic and stole some spare parts and tools and then disappeared. The mechanic was found when the watch changed. A search of the ship remained successless, the robbers had fled.
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