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Allision on Danube
On Oct 6, 2015, the "Christiane", 1202 ts (EU-No.: 02318485), allided with a retaining wall at the Danube shore which sheltered the street Obernzell – Jochenstein in the Passau municipality. The ship had just left Passau was sailing river downstream towards Budapest when it slammed into the wall due to a rudder failure. Instead of turning to starboard, the ship went straight ahead in a curve. The "Christiane" suffered a leak, the damage was estimated to be around 100.000 Euro. The crew of three remained uninjured. The stone wall collapsed due to the strenght of the impact, damage here was around 50.000 Euro. After the accident the street was closed timewise. The ship moored at the accident site. German report with photo:
Danube blocked for shipping after barge ran aground
The "MMC Christiane" ran aground on the Danube in the afternoon of Aug 23, 2014. The ship had on board a cargo of 1684 tons when sailing Downstream from Regensburg towards Hermannsdorf where it ran aground with the starboard side stern due to too much draught. The ship got stuck inside the fairway so the river had to be completely barred for shipping. The barge "Henrik" along with a workboat of the river authority Regensburg, Straubing District, managed to pull the ship off and tow it to Straubing alongside the "Henrik". The river bottom had to be sounded to ensure that no new shallows had emerged, and ship traffic was released on Aug 24 short past noon. The water police Deggendorf launched an investigation against the 46 year old Slovakian master of the vessel.
Grounding on Danube
In the evening of Feb 24, 2014, the "Christiane" ran aground on the Danube near Winzer. The ship had suffered rudder failure at 5.30 a.m. and got stuck at the right shore. It carried a cargo of 700 tons fertilizer.
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