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Offshore ship seized after accident
Assets on deck of the "Aline B" were seized by the Port Authority of Ancona after the ship berthed in port on March 9. The ship was hit on March 5 by a crane falling from the Eni platform "Barbara F" off the coast of Marche during the transshipment of a nitrogen cylinder which was also now sequestered, from the platform to the vessel. In the accident the crane operator Eni Egidio Benedetto, 63, had died. The "Aline B." arrived at the port of Ancona escorted by the patrol boat "CP 839". The crew members were also heard again as part of the investigation against unknown persons opened by the Ancona Public Prosecutor. Over the course of 24 hours, the "Mamta" of Micooperi will also arrive in Ancona, which has recovered the arm of the crane that was stuck under the keel of the "Aline B". Investigations into the accident on the Eni platform continued. The "Aline B" was seized for this purpose. Italian reports with photos: https://www.youtvrs.it/incidente-sulla-piattaforma-sotto-sequestro-la-bombola/ https://www.vastoweb.com/news/cronaca/795433/incidente-piattaforma-recuperata-parte-della-gru http://www.senigallianotizie.it/1327481173/gru-crollata-da-piattaforma-eni-al-largo-di-senigallia-concluse-operazioni-in-mare
Crane of oil platform broke off, fell onto supply ship and submerged with operator still in his cabin
On March 5, 2019, at 7.45 a.m. a structural failure of the infrastructur on which a lifting crane was installed, collapsed on the ENI’s platform "Barbara F" 60 miles off Ancona. The crane broke from the platform structure while hoisting a nitrogen gas cylinder and fell down onto the "Aline B", before dropping into the sea with the operator, a 63-year-old Eni employee from San Salvo (Chieti), still in the crane’s cabin. Two men aboard the offshore supply ship, technicians of the company Bambini di Ravenna, one of 53 and one of 48 years - were badly injured and rushed to the Torrette di Ancona hospital with the helicopter of Eni. A search for the crane operator began at 9.30 a.m, with Coastguard patrol boats and an HH139 helicopter of the Air Force has also been involved and was operating jointly with a patrol boat of the Port Authority of Ancona. The crane with the cabin and the operator trapped inside, was still hannging on cables at 70 meters depth. Three divers of the Ancona fire brigade located both the cabin and the body inside at 3.30 p.m. Italian reports with photos and video: http://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/cronaca/2019/03/05/incidente-su-piattaforma-petrolifera-ad-ancona-2-feriti-e-un-disperso_058df63d-8b48-4872-9889-3f23f2c3a78c.html https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/ancona/cronaca/foto/incidente-piattaforma-eni-1.4476074
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