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Tanker grounded at Iskenderun Global Terminal
The 'Minerva Antonia' ran aground en route to Agioi Theodori in laden condition on April 23, 2024, at 11.35 p.m. LT while departing from the Iskenderun Global Terminal. There was no damage or marine pollution, and the ship was refloated from the grounding position and moored in pos. 36° 50.13' N 036° 08.59' E under the coordination of Iskenderun Regional Port Authority for the necessary checks. Report with photo: https://www.bursadabugun.com/haber/yunanistan-bayrakli-urun-tankeri-karaya-oturdu-1708108.html
The "Minerva Antonia" on Feb 22, 2011, entered the small port Ras Lanuf to evacuate Greek citizens from Libya. The ship will depart on Feb 23. Dozens of Greek-Cypriotic workers which were busy in different help projects are actually cut off in the Libyan desert and are waiting for help.
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