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Engine damage off Piraeus
In the morning of Nov 2, 2019, the Piraeus Port Authority was informed about a damage of the main engine of the 'MSC Giannina' which had sailed from Piraeus at 10 a.m., bound to Burgas. The vessel was anchored off Piraeus to repair the damage, being accompanied by two tugboats, while the Central Piraeus Port Authority detained the ship until completion of repairs. The ship moored in pos. 37° 53.55' N 023° 32.81' E by 10 p.m. before resuming the voyage to Burgas after repairs and an inspection with an ETA as of Nov 5, 4 p.m.
Two suspects arrested after death of captain
In the afternoon of Nov 7, Dmytro Savinykh and Oleksandr Maltsevdi, the two officers of the "MSC Giannina" being suspected of killing the 51 year old captain Yurii Kharytonov, who disappeared in the night from Nov 19/20 were arrested. The arrests were made at the request of the deputy prosecutor Marcello Maresca. The men were suspected to have killed the man with bare hands and threw the body into the sea while the vessel was sailing to the port of Genoa. The ship was still moored at the VTE Voltri Terminal Europafor the completion of the scientific investigations. On Nov 8 the suspects were to be questioned at Marassi's Circondary House.
Captain missing from board
The master of the "MSC Giannina", the 54-year-old Ukrainian Juri Kharytonov, was reported missing on Oct 19, 2017, in pos. 13 53N 013 43E in the Tyrrhenian sea, while the vessel was en route from Gioia Tauro to Genoa. He was last seen on board at the beginning of the night. Alert was raised after a thorough search of the whole ship by the crew of 22, which turned around to retrace the stretch of sea between Corsica and Elba in search of the cman at sea. The CROSS Med in Corsica coordinated an SAR operation with its Italian counterpart. All day Italian aircraft and helicopter, assisted by the French authoorites, tried to find the missing sailor. A Puma Helicopter stationed at the Solenzarra Air Base and a Falcon 50 of the Navy Base in Lann Bihoué were deployed as well as the SNSM boats of Macinaggio and Bastia. The Maritime Prefect of the Mediterranean decided to stop the search at 7.17 p.m.. The ship continued its voyage under the command of the Chief Officer, arriving at the Voltri Port in Genoa and was berthed at Polmare Terminal at 10.30 p.m. where it was seized. The Genoa police boarded the vessel to interrogate the crew.
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