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Lifeboat tried in vain to keep dive boat from diving
On Nov 12, 2016, the "Martha Lerche" was alerted after the dive vessel "Krabben" started to sink nine miles north of Thyborøn, one kilometer off the Lodbjerg l/h, following a water ingress. The 12-ton-ship of the dive club Krabbe from Morsø was enroute from Hanstholm to Nykøbing with a crew of two. A fishing vessel was first on scene and took the men off. Upon arrival of the lifeboat of the DSNS-station Thyborøn the "Krabbe" was already deep down by the bow. Two crew members of the lifeboat went on board with a dewatering pump but had to abandon their attempt to save the boat as it was becoming increasingly unstable. 15 minutes later it sank on a water depth of 18 meters. Whether the dive boat which had a value of 200,000 Danish crowns was worthwhile recovering was in doubt. Danish reports with photos:
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