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New charter fixed
dely Zhanjiang 05/06 Dec, $11,900, for 5/8 months, to SDTR
New Time Charter
delivered Haldia January 9, trip via East Coast South America, redelivery Singapore-Japan range, 12.800 $ daily, Norden
Medevac off Table Bay
On Apr 2, 2017, at 6 p.m. the NSRI Table Bay duty crew launched the Slifeboat "Spirit of Vodacom", accompanied by a WC Government Health EMS rescue paramedic, to rendezvous with the "Marianne Stoeger", sailing from New Orleans to Singapore and reporting that a crew member was suffering from chest pains. A Government Health EMS duty doctor had evaluated the patient's condition in communications with the ship, and it was deemed necessary for the patient to be transported to hospital at the earliest opportunity. The ship, passing by the Cape coast at the time, headed into Table Bay and NSRI Table Bay were tasked by the Transnet National Ports Authority to carry out the patient evacuation operation. On arrival on the scene off-shore of the Port of Table Bay the EMS rescue paramedic and 2 NSRI Table Bay rescuers were put aboard the vessel and the patient was stabilised before being transferred onto our sea rescue craft and he was brought into the Port of Table Bay to our sea rescue base and the 45 year old South Korean sailor has been transported to hospital by EMS ambulance in a stable condition for further treatment. Report with photos:
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