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Bulk carrier that shipped 200 kilos of cocaine in Colombia was inspected in Gijón
The staff of the Customs Surveillance Service proceeded on May 10, 2022, to inspect the cargo of coal on the 'Magda P' which had docked in El Musel, en route from Barranquilla, aboard which 200 kilos of cocaine had been located at the port of departure. In a previous search carried out in Lisbon on May 7, two backpacks containing drugs were located, although in the control carried out in the port of Gijón no narcotic substances were found. The bulk carrier was carrying 55,000 tons of coal and docked on May 9 at 2.10 p.m. at the North Dock. The 200 kilos of cocaine were located by the Colombian Navy at the port of origin, hidden in a bag among the coal cargo. After carrying out the appropriate police and judicial proceedings, the departure of the vessel was authorized, although international collaboration was requested to inspect the ship in case there could be more narcotic substances hidden among the coal. The inspection carried out by the Customs Surveillance Service did not require judicial authorization, which would have been initiated if cocaine had been found, as occurred in the two ports where the vessel was previously. Report with photo:
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Bulkcarrier anchored off Athens with crew member showing Ebola symptoms
The "Magda P" on its way from Guinea to Ukraine dropped anchor off Athens on Nov 17, 2014, at 6.30 p.m. to examine a Filipino crewmember reportedly showing possible symptoms of Ebola. The bulk carrier had on board 24 crew, 10 of them Greek and 14 Filipinos. The vessel did not dock, remaining in waters off the port while doctors went aboard to examine the crew.
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