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Mechanical damage in Piraeus
On July 4, 2022, at noon, the Piraeus Port Authority was informed by the master of the "Safmarine Nowazne" that during the process of unmooring from the pier of Iconium in Piraeus with 25 crew members on board, there was a mechanical failure. The ship sailed safely to the anchorage of Piraeus with the assistance of the tugs "Christos 45' and "Karapiperis New Generation'. The Port Department of Keratsini of the Central Port Authority of Piraeus prohibited the sailing of the container ship until the repair of the damage and the presentation of a seaworthiness certificate by the classification society which is monitoring it.
Medevac off Nab Tower
A crew member from the "Safmarine Nomawzwe" was medevaced south east of the Nab Tower by the Bembridge RNLI Lifeboat after he suffered an eye injury. The boat was called on Aug 23, 2019, at 9 p.m. from the Solent Coastguard. The "Safmarine Nomazwe", en route to South America, was ten miles off the Nab Tower. The casualty was transferred to the lifeboat via the pilot ladder. The lifeboat took the male to Portsmouth Camber to await the arrival of an ambulance.
Boxship rescued three of 14 crew members of sunken vessel
After the Indonesian fish research vessel "Anugerah 89" with a crew of 14 on board sank on Aug 24, 2014, in pos. 09 16S 115 23E, 39 nm south of Denpasr, Bali, in the Indian Ocean, three castaways were rescued by the "Safmarine Nomazwe". A search was underway for the 11 missing.
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