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Barge grounded on the Weser
On Dec 17, 2017, the "Lee", 1065 ts (EU-No.: 04401580), ran aground on the Weser at Landesbergen in the Nienburg municipality around midday. The barge which was coming from Bremen, was loaded with 900 tons soy grits. The river had to be barred for shipping after the accident. The barge had got stuck amidships at the tip of the Weser island in Landesbergen between the main fairway and the lock canal on a sandbar while passing a long curve after it veered off course due to the high water level and the strong current. The fire rescue Landesbergen was alerted and dropped off representatives of the police and the river authority on the grounded ship. Due to the falling water level first priority was to get it off again as soon as possible. For this purpose, the Weser was dammed up in the area of the lock and the hydroelectric power station, thus achieving a level increase of more than ten centimeters. The ship managed to get off again without assistance. The fire brigades from Husum and Groß-Varlingen could be stood down again before having arrived the grounding site. German reports with photos: https://www.dieharke.de/Lokales/Lokalnachrichten-6/62064/Weser_war_fuer_den_Schiffsverkehr_gesperrt.html https://www.kreiszeitung.de/lokales/nienburg/landesbergen-schiff-laeuft-grund-9458970.html https://www.kreiszeitung.de/lokales/nienburg/landesbergen-schiff-laeuft-grund-9458970.html
Barge damaged in allision with bulkcarrier
On Nov 11, 2017, at 4.40 a.m. the bulkcarrier "Mount Hope", enroute from Tubarao to Bremen with a cargo of steel, allided with the pier of Brake port and the "Lee", 1065 ts (EU-No.: 4401580), which was moored at it. The pier was heavily damaged and partially destroyed, and the bulkcarrier suffered hull breaches and a massive water ingress. Tugs pulled the "Mount Hope" to the Niedersachsen Quay in Brake where the fire brigade assisted to pump out the water. Also the tug "Bugsier 4" (IMO: 9376191) and the anti pollution ships "Ölwehr 8" (MMSI: 211704510) and "Mellum" attended the ship. The massive water ingress could be brought under control by forces of Technical Support Work (THW) and fire brigade in the run of Nov 11 with several pumps. A crane started to remove the steel cargo from the cargo hold 1 which was flooded three meters high. The unloading process may take several days for not to affect the stability of the ship. The leak meanwhile emerged above the water line so the water did no longer flood into the hold. The breaches were temporarily sealed with wood and other stuff. No oil pollution was reported. Parts of the pier into which the bulkcarrier smashed after it veered to starboard following a rudder failure were still entangled with the anchor. About 100 meters of the pier were torn off and partially sank. The "Lee" suffered significant damage at the foreship above the waterline, but the sailing ban which initially was imposed by the police could be lifted in the afternoon of Nov 11, and at 2.15 p.m. the barge headed to Bremen. According to initial investigations of the water police and statements of the pilot the "Mount Hope" had suffered rudder trouble before the accident. German reports with photos and video: https://www.butenunbinnen.de/nachrichten/kurz-notiert/frachter-kollision-brake100.html https://nord24.de/wesermarsch/170-meter-langer-frachter-kracht-gegen-braker-hafenpier https://www.nwzonline.de/wesermarsch/blaulicht/brake-unfall-in-hafen-brake-170-meter-frachter-rammt-pier-und-motorschiff_a_32,1,1389880341.html http://www.nonstopnews.de/meldung/26340 http://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/niedersachsen/oldenburg_ostfriesland/Brake-Frachter-kracht-in-Pier-und-schlaegt-Leck-,frachter532.html
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