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Landing ship sank after water ingress
The ' Cahaya Dana Reza', enroute from Samarinda to Buntok, suffered a leakand capsized on Jan 23, 2025, at 11.30 p.m. WITA in Indonesian waters near Kotabaru Regency in South Kalimantan. After the leak was remarked, the captain of the vessel dropped anchor to inspect it. However, the water ingress could not be contained, and as the vessel started to tilt, the captain sought to lift anchor and bavigate the vessel to shallow waters. The LCT finally sank before completely reaching shallower waters. It was carrying around 150 tons of mixed cargo, among which were six heavy equipment units. The tug 'Atlantik Star 11' was nearby and rescued all nine crew members.: Rescued were: Roni Tjitjipo, M/43 (Captain) Agum Abadi, M/26 Reigeren Ayub Sulle, M/26 Ramadhani, M/30 Ferry Tulung, M/53 Ricky Rematoby, M/30 Yosi Hartanto, M/35 Suparjan Saudil, M/21 Ashari Anhar, M/21 The Kotabaru SAR Post Rescue Team was deployed to the location using the RIB '02 Kotabaru', a rescue car, and other supporting equipment. The team arrived at the scene at 5:45 a.m. WITA. The Batulicin VTS coordinated with the local Basarnas, KSOP Kotabaru-Batulicin, and IMSI/MCC, and issued a Notice to Mariners (NTM) regarding the incident. Report with photo:
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