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Former fishing vessel grounded in Wischhafen
Enroute from Kiel to Hamburg the "Langeland 1" ran aground off the former Ewer Yard in Wishhafen on July 18, 2018, as no berth was available in the new homeport of the ship. In the evening the ship got too close to the slip of the yard and got stuck due to the outgoing tide. The ship tilted to port and was in danger of capsizing. The fire brigades from Wischhafen, Freiburg, Krummendeich and Assel were alerted. The laid out oil booms and secured the vessel with ropes. The "Langeland 1" had also suffered water ingress which could be controlled with additional pumps. The ship was to be refloated with the following flood and be berthed in Wischafen. German report with photos:
Disabled vessel off Kiel
The "Langeland 1" suffered engine damage in the Kiel Bight on June 9, 2016, and went adrift with damaged gear in 5-6 Beaufort wind. The ship had on board 25 passengers. The lifeboat "Berlin" of the DGzRS station Laboe was called to assist at 7 p.m. and towed the disabled ship into the port of Möltenort where she was berthed by the daughter boat "Steppke" and the lifeboat "Walter Rose". During the next days the Transmission is to be repaired once spare parts have arrived from a company in the Netherlands. Photo:
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