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Tank barge refloated
On Jan 21, 2016, the "Köpenick", 2563 ts (EU-no. 04033340), was refloated with the assistance of the tugboat "Pilot" and the barges "Maria" (MMSI: 1605312) and "Carolin BA" (MMSI: 211439380). Before, the cargo of 2100 tons diesel fuel had been lightered onto another barge which transported it to its destination. AFter having been pulled off, the "Köpenick" was moored at an anchorage in a distance of some kilometers from the grounding site with the work boat "St. Goar" (MMSI: 211695290) alongside. An expert was ordered to survey the barge on Jan 22 to find out whether the ship must be repaired on site or may continue. German report with photos: http://www.swr.de/landesschau-aktuell/rp/koblenz/bei-kestert-hat-sich-ein-dieselankschiff-auf-dem-mittelrhein-festgefahren-ist-aber-nicht-beschaedigt/-/id=1642/did=16827644/nid=1642/1of0o8n/
Tanker grounded on the Rhine
On Jan 20, 2016, at 10:05 a.m. the "Köpenick", 2563 ts (EU-no. 04033340), whilst coming from Rotterdam, suffered engine failure on the Rhine at river km 561,200 near Kestert and drifted onto the Gauls Ground. A deckhand had mistakenly interrupted the fuel supply of the engine before. The mono-hull-ship was loaded with 2100 tons diesel. The transfer of cargo inside the ship and the assistance of the tugboat "Pilot" failed to refloat the tanker. On Jan 21 also the "Maria" (MMSI: 1605312) and "Carolin BA" (MMSI: 211439380) joined the salvage work. Photos: http://www.binnenschifferforum.de/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=584320&d=1453319141 http://www.binnenschifferforum.de/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=584319&d=1453319129
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