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Fishing vessel disabled off Sylt
On Jan 7, 2017, the "Klaus Groth 1" got in trouble off Sylt after the net got into the propulsion. The crew of two alerted the MRCC of the DGzRS in Bremen at 8.50 a.m. which deployed the lifeboat "Pidder Lüng“ of the rescue station List to assist. Three miles off the port they could, however, turn around, because the fishermen reported to have cleared the propeller from the obstruction with own means.
Two of three crew members injured in accident
In the night of May 20, 2014, two of the three crew members of the "Klaus Groth I - SC 44" were seriously injured in an accident. The crew of the rliefeboat "Vormann Leiss" of the DGzRS station Amrum medevaced the two men assisted by paramedics and brought them to Dagebüll. Short before midnight, the captain of the fishing vessel had reported that the two crew members had been seriously injured by a flame jet of the crab cooker. Bremen Rescue alerted helicopters and paramedics. The lifeboat took them aboard and rushed to the vessel which was eleven miles SW of Wittdün upon Amrum. The captain in the meantime succeded to recover the fishing gear on one side so far on his own, that the lifeboat could get alongside for initial treatment of the injured. From Dagebüll they were taken to a special hospital in Flensburg by ambulances. Due to sea fog, the helicopter had not been able to take off. The captain, who was alone on board the "Klaus Groth 1" now , received support froma boat of the water police which accompanied the shrimper to its home port Büsum where it moored on May 20 at 5.20 a.m.
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