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Medevac off Columbia River
A Coast Guard aircrew performed a medevac of an injured crew member from the "Global Saikai" over 170 miles offshore from the Columbia River on Nov 26, 2016. Watchstanders at Sector Columbia River received the assistance request via the agent for the vessel Global after one of the crew members reportedly fell while on a ladder and broke his right arm. An MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew from Coast Guard Sector Columbia River in Warrenton safely transported the 23-year-old man to the air station where he was transferred over to emergency medical personnel, who took him to Columbia Memorial Hospital in Astoria. The vessel was en route to Kashima from Longview with a load of logs. Report with video: http://www.uscgnews.com/go/doc/4007/2902854/ Weather on scene reported as raining with light wind, with 13 foot seas and 9 mile visibility.
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