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Allision in Tuapse
During the berthing manoever at Tuapse in the morning of Dec 19, 2020, the cargo m/v 'Isartal', enroute from Constanta, allided with the 'Mira Akay' which had arrived in port from Istanbul on Dec 18 at 3 p.m. The 'Isartal' was already in position alongside the quay at 7 a.m. with tug assistance, when she suddenly moved forward again. The bow thereupon struck the port side stern of the 'Mira Akay'. Both ships suffered dented bulwarks and damaged hull plates. They remained stationary as of Dec 21. Video:
Freighter on the rocks
In the late afternoon of Apr 11, 2013, the "Isartal" suffered an engine blackout while leaving the Prøvesten port in Copenhagen and subsequently stranded on the rocks. After a few hours involuntary stay at Prøvestenen the ship pulled off and sailed to the for Sundquay to be surveyed. Around 11 p.m. it sailed to Nakskov as originally planned and docked there on Apr 12 around 7 a.m. Danish report with photo:
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