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Tanker suffered engine breakdown
On March 29, 2019, just before 6 a.m. the "Ionian Star" with a crew of 19 on board suffered an engine breakdown four kilometers west of Fedje. The tanker drifted straight towards the shore. Several nearby vessels reacted quickly, among others the patrol boat "Senja" of the Norwegian Coast Guard, the supply ship "Far Sigma" and the tug "Vivax" which managed to establish a towing connection at 06.26 a.m. and kept the casualty stable in position until the crew could restart the engine. Rescue helicopters in Florø were mobilizied, but could be stood down when the situation was under control. The tanker headed towards Sløvåg, which was also the original destination, where it arrived at 9.15 a.m. On its way it was escorted by the tugs "Vivax" and "Silex" and the supply ship "Far Sigma". The "Ionian Star" had sailed from Liverpool on March 24. She left the port again on March 31 at 4 p.m. Norwegian reports with photos:
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