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Medevac off Barrow
A Coast Guard MH-60 Jayhawk rescue helicopter crew forward deployed in Kotzebue medevaced a crew member from the "Ile De Sein" approximately 80 miles southeast of Barrow in the evening of Sep 14, 2016. Watchstanders at the 17th Coast Guard District command center received a medevac request from the France Rescue Coordination Center reporting a 55-year-old man suffering symptoms of a heart attack. The duty flight surgeon was consulted and recommended the medevac. The Jayhawk crew hoisted the injured crew member and safely transported him to Samuel Simmonds Memorial Hospital in Barrow. The weather on scene at the time of the medevac was 11 miles of visibility, 10-mph winds and ceilings reportedly 2,000 feet.
Fire on cable layer
On May 4, 2015, at 7.30 p.m. a fire started in the generator compartment of the "Ile De Sein" in Honolulu. The fire was extinguished around 10 p.m. by local fire fighting teams, while the crew was evacuated. No injures reported. The ship had arrived in port earlier the day. Photo:
Ile de Sein back in port
The "Ile de Sein" on June 16, 2011, returned to Bayonne at 6 a.m. in drizzling rain with 104 bodies recovered from the crashed Air France-flight A447. The authorities hope to be able to identify the bodies with DNA-samples. German report with photos:
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