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Sold in package deal
Sold to dutch buyer Spliethoff for undisclosed price in package deal
Experienced engine problem, cylinder head replaced, journey to Algeciras resumed same day
General cargo with container capacity HHL Elbe (9627 gt, built 2008) , en route from Murmansk, Russia to Algeciras, Spain, experienced an engine problem, which required replacement of the cylinder head, in position lat 055 16 18N, long 005 27 06W, at around 1230 hrs, Oct 5. According to Belfast Coastguard, repairs were completed at 2144 hrs, same day and the vessel continued its journey to Algeciras.
Heavylift ship saved catamaran crew
The "HHL Elbe" en route from Porto Marghera to Kandla spotted two distress flares in the Red Sea. Diverting to intercept the incident developed into a full blown rescue when a small, white rubber dinghy was seen showing a blinking flashlight. The master brought the HHL Elbe alongside the dinghy and held his position whilst a heaving line and buoy were sent out to the dinghy, and and the two persons inside were brought abroad. The couple found turned out to be Stefan Jerkander and his wife, Svetlana Salnikova-Jerkander and fortunately after both were given first aid aboard the heavy lift ship are reportedly well. The pair were forced to take to the dinghy after their catamaran "Cattarina" sank off the Sudanese coast during a voyage from Split to Phuket.
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