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Disabled cargo ship escorted to safe anchorage
Short time after having left the port of Scalloway in the morning of Sep 11, 20166, the "Eems Star", which had delivered a cargo of offshore platform mooring chains and now being bound for Blyth, suffered engine problems eight miles southwest of Scalloway. While the crew of six was trying to fix the problem, the Aith lifeboat and the tug "Dunter" (IMO: 9114957) were sent to assist. It was decided to return the ship to safe waters off Scalloway, taking into account adverse and deteriorating weather conditions. The vessel reached the anchorage off Scalloway under own power, escorted by the MCA salvage tug "Heracles" which remained on standby north of the island of Linga. By this time the "Dunter" arrived and a tow line was passed to the vessel with a view to assisting her into port. The fierce weather that persisted throughout the daylight hours of Sep 12 prevented the two vessels from entering port together, safely, so the "Dunter" maintained her station with tow line connected overnight and into the evening. The "Eems Star"‘s anchor kept her in position throughout the time, until the two vessels were ready to begin their passage into Scalloway when the weather eased, after 9 p.m. With the Scalloway pilot launch "Lyrie" also joining the tow, on a stern line, the threesome slipped into Scalloway without incident, coming alongside at 11.30 p.m. The Eems Star was guided alongside under shortened tow line by the "Dunter", with the "Lyrie" pulling her stern, then pushing up until the cargo vessel was made fast. After repairs it left the port again and resumed the voyage to Blyth, ETA Sep 15. Report and photos: http://www.shetlandtimes.co.uk/2016/09/13/stricken-vessel-towed-into-scalloway-harbour https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14344235_892811677519057_1016890205568713091_n.jpg?oh=9c28fa65bb1c2e687d41f4a9bf9adefd&oe=5844A10B
The "Ems Star" suffered engine trouble in the afternoon of Apr 5, 2011, when entering into the port of Ijmuiden just between the piers. The ship was stopped by anchor and waited for the tug "Hercules" which came to the rescue. After the "Hercules" had secured the vessel, a few other ships passed. While the tug "Sirius" also proceeded, the crew of the coaster succeeded to raise the anchor, and the two tugs pulled the coaster to the outer quay 3 in the Hoogoven harbour of Amsterdam at 5.45 p.m. where the technical problems now can be fixed. Dutch report with photo: http://www.haarlemsdagblad.nl/nieuws/regionaal/ijmond/article8480491.ece/Kustvaarder-in-problemen-bij-IJmuiden
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