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Perpetrators stole scrap metals from towed barge
An incident of armed robbery aoccurred onboard a barge towed by the 'HK Tug 9', while underway in the eastbound lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme of the Singapore Strait, approximately 6.1 nautical miles off Tanjung Pergam, in pos. 01° 17.53' N 104° 20.55' E on March 7, 2025, at 8:08 p.m. Three unarmed perpetrators boarded the barge and stole scrap metals. No injuries were reported.
Pirates stole scrap metal
The 'HK 9' along with the top deck cargo barge 'LKH 2882' was approached by 10 perpetrators on July 15, 2024, at 9.40 a.m. in pos. 1° 16.1' N 104° 13'37' E, about 7,5 nautical miles vom Tanjung Tondong. The pirates stole scrap metal from the cargo of the towed barge. No injuries were reported.
Pirates stole scrap metal
On Dec 9, 2024, a barge, towed by the 'HK Tug 9' was boarded by 20 unarmed perpetrators in the South China Sea, about 8.4 nautical miles northeast of the Horsburgh Lighthouse in pos. 11° 25.45' S 104° 30.55' E. The pirates stole scrap metal. No injuries were reported.
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