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Grounded lifeboat refloated by fishing vessel
The "Hermann Onken" got stuck off the port of Fedderwardersiel when assisting a sailing yacht which had run aground after having encountered engine problems. The yacht could be refloated soon after with two rubber boats and headed to the port under sail when the "Hermann Onken" approached, which had previously been alerted. As the wind was good and the port nearby, the yacht crew refused further assistance, but the "Hermann Onken" got out of the fairway and stranded in shallow water. The DLRG boat "Butenland“ came to assist, but it failed to refloat the boat. The f/v "Seestern" from Fedderwardersiel finally managed to pull the lifeboat into deeper water again. German report and photos: https://www.yacht.de/aktuell/panorama/rettungsaktion-fuer-retter/a117134.html http://www.gerhard-bruns.eu/seenotretter/index.html
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