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Trawler in standoff with Greenpeace
The crew of the 'Helen Mary' warned against trawling in the Central Fladen protected area, east of Scotland by Greenpeace campaigners who had climbed on board the vessel. Activists on board the Greenpeace ship 'Esperanza' sailed up to the ship and informed its captain the vessel was in a Marine Protected Area (MPA). The conservationists said its request for the ship to stop fishing in the region was ignored.. Several activists were abseiling down the side of the vessel and put up a red banner which read “Ban supertrawlers now!” Amid the stand-off, fishing deterrents were also placed in the vessels nets before the German-flagged boat left the area. The Pelagic Freezer-trawler Association, which represents the interests of nine European pelagic freezer-trawler companies, including firms in Germany, has denied the vessel was doing anything against the rules. Report with photos: https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1347294/fishing-news-Brexit-supertrawler-greenpeace-Germany-Central-Fladen-Scotland
German trawler detained off Scotland
The "Helen Mary" as been detained at sea on Jan 15, 2019, by Marine Scotland on suspected fishery offences. The factory trawler was fishing around 30 miles to the west of Shetland. It has now been escorted to shore by the fishery protection ship "Jura" and has been lying to the south of Lerwick for most of the day and was taken into the harbour on Jan 16. Report with photo: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-46883510
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