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Barge in danger of sinking
On Nov 28, 2018, around midday the "St. Michael", 1059 ts (EU-No.: 04401900), enroute from Gelskirchen to Leer, was threatened to sink in the port of Rusbend on the Mittelland Canal. The master had remarked a water ingress and immediately berthed his shup. The water level in the cabin of the foreship was 60 centimeters. The fire rescues of Rusbend, Meinsen-Warber-Achum, Bückeburg-Stadt and Eves were alerted and pumped out the water with a pump capable of draining 800 liters per minute in the foreship. The cargo of 1.000 tons fertilizer was not affected. In the afternoon the fire fighters managed to patch the leak in the bow. The diver group of the fire brigade Petershagen was on scene but did not have to act. A small amount of oil which had leaked out could be recovered. The origin of the leak was unknown. German report with photo: https://www.szlz.de/blaulicht/blaulicht-szlz_artikel,-update-ii-lage-auf-dem-schiff-im-griff-_arid,2507089.html
Collision caused by human error
The damage caused in the collision of the "St. Michael" and "Inga R." was 80 000 Euro. Tugs had pulled the ship's out of each other, before they were berthed in the Container port of Braunschweig. The "Inga R." was damaged in the bow region and had to remain in Braunschweig for temporary repairs so that no water could enter it when sailing again. The pontoon shaped bow of the ship was pushed onto the foreship of the "St. Michael" which in spite of its severe damage was able to continue its voyage to Spelle after the end of investigations. Police investigators who had interrogated the Crews of both ships on Apr 6 found out that the eastbound ship had got onto the wrong side of the fairway on Mar 5 around 8 p.m. short past sunset in a curve. German report with photo: http://www.braunschweiger-zeitung.de/lokales/Braunschweig/schiffsunfall-35-euro-bussgeld-id958470.html
Collision off Braunschweig
On the Mittelland Canal near the port of Braunschweig the unloaded barge "Inga R" was in a head-on-collision with the "Sankt Michael“ on Apr 5, 2013, at 8 p.m. The "Inga R." pushed the "Sankt Michael" down, both ships were significantly damaged, but could be stabilized by the fire rescue. The bow of the "Sankt Michael" was crushed. Small amounts of oil leaked out, but could be boomed off before spreading. The canal was closed for ship traffic for three hours. German report with photos: http://www.braunschweiger-zeitung.de/lokales/Braunschweig/zwei-schiffe-stiessen-am-hafen-zusammen-id956137.html
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