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Bottom damage repaired in Tallinn
After the 'Kristian With' en route from Bergen to Bygstad, touched bottom twice due to a navigational error, east of Sogneoksen island. while crossing the shoals of Okseflua and Kvernbaen on Sep 8, 2021, suffering significant bottom damage, the structural damage was repaired in drydock at the Netaman Repair Group in Tallinn from Jan 6 to Feb 10, 2022. Damaged bottom shell plating was replaced as well as inner plating. On Feb 17, after completion of repairs, the 'Kristian With' left the port, headed to Muuga, where it arrived at 9.30 p.m. On Feb 22 at 6.30 p.m. the ship sailed agaon, bound to Drammen, where it arrived on Feb 21.
Rogue wave tore luxury yacht off cargo ship's deck
A rogue wave of around ten meters height was the reason why the "Kristian With" lost a Princess 46 foot yacht from the main deck south of Hidra in the Flekkefjord on Feb 7, 2016, at 5.30 a.m. The unmanned yacht, which had been sold in Molde and was destined for the Oslofjord, drifted northward until she hit rocks just outside Stapnes in Egersund at 12.30 p.m. and sank. She had a value of more than one million Norwegian crowns. The company's insurance company sent out a salvage tug but the sea was too stormy to save it. The "Kristian With" entered the port of Larvik at 10.30 p.m. At the grounding site of the yacht only a bunch of debris was floating on Feb 9. Norwegian reports with photos and video: http://www.nrk.no/rogaland/lystbaten-ble-knust-til-smabiter-1.12793492 http://www.nrk.no/rogaland/lasteskip-mistet-yacht-i-hoye-bolger-_-endte-opp-i-egersund-1.12792668 http://www.aftenbladet.no/nyheter/lokalt/dalane/Lasteskip-mistet-46-fots-yacht-utenfor-sorlandskysten-3865234.html
Nanuk saved two fishers - one died aboard
The police have launched an investigation into a Barbadian fisherman’s death in Antiguan & Barbudan waters several hours after being rescued by the "Nanuk". The 50 year old man and his 28-year-old fellow went adrift on June 2, 2011, after their vessel "Moore" developed engine trouble and stalled. They were spotted in the night of June 15, 2011, in the night by the "Nanuk" being underway from Brazil to the United States. The men were rescued and fed, but in the morning as the "Nanuk" approached the Deep Water Harbour of St. John's, the elder of the two died. A district medical officer was summoned and made the formal death pronouncement. The younger man was treated aboard the vessel, and later taken to the hospital for additional attention. One officer who examined the body said there were no signs of trauma. Meanwhile, the lone survivor was malnourished and showed signs of severe dehydration. After his hospital stay he wíull be questioned by the police.
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