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Hanse left Hamburg again
On Jan 20 at around noon the ferry 'Övelgönne' left the Dockland Pier and headed to Finkenwerder, where she berthed at the Cölln Shipyard for permanent repairs of the collision damage. The 'Hanse' left Hamburg on Jan 21 at 3.30 p.m. en route towards the Elbe Side Canal, which it entered on the morning of Jan 22. Report with photo: https://www.sylent-press.de/2025/01/21/nach-der-kollision-der-hadagfaehre-oevelgoenneliegt-sie-in-finkenwerder/
11 injured in collision on the Elbe
On Jan 20, 2025, at 6.43 a.m. a barge, pushed by the 'Hanse', en route from Braunschweig, was in collision with the ferry 'Övelgönne" (MMSI: 211151080), serving between the stations "Hamburg-Finkenwerder" and "Landungsbrücken", which was en route from Finkenwerder to the Dockland pier, on the Northern Elbe with 25 passengers on board. The ferry ended up in the middle between the pushed convoy. One man who was sitting directly at the window was critically injured by flying debris and remained unconscious. Others cared for the man. Because of the broken windows, water kept coming through the waves into the interior of the ferry, causing several passengers to suffer hypothermia. In addition to the man with critical injuries, one other person was seriously injured and nine others were slightly injured. The other 14 people on board were uninjured, but suffered from shock. The ferry's hull suffered a breach at starboard side above the waterline, windows were shattered and interior destroyed, but the stability of the vessel was not affected, and no spills were reported. Paramedics took care of the injured on board. The fire brigade attended the scene of the accident with large contingents and fire boats. After the accident, both ships headed for the Dockland pier. Firefighters boarded the ship and brought the injured - passengers and crew - ashore. Paramedics and emergency doctors cared for the injured and took them to nearby hospitals. In total, more than 55 emergency personnel arrived. The Dockland pier was closed for rescue operations, but other ferry operations remained unaffected. Heavy equipment was also deployed by the rescue workers. The accident happened in dense fog. The 'Hanse' berthed in Waltershof after the accident. The water police and a ship accident investigation team (EGS) have begun their initial investigations on site. Both captains were questioned by the water police on site and also take a breathalyzer test, which both of them tested negative. Reports with photos and video: https://hamburg.t-online.de/region/hamburg/id_100578352/hamburg-hadag-faehre-rammt-tankschiff-zahlreiche-verletzte.html https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/panorama/ungluecke/id_100578354/unfall-in-hamburg-schute-stoesst-auf-elbe-gegen-faehre-elf-verletzte.html https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/hamburg/Schwerverletzter-nach-Unfall-mit-Hafenfaehre,video12178.html https://www.mopo.de/hamburg/polizei/unfall-mit-hafenfaehre-mehrere-verletzte/
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