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450 kilos of cocaine seized in Aracruz
A total of 450 kilos of cocaine were seized at a privatized port in Aracruz, in the north of Espírito Santo, in the early afternoon of Aug 29, 2022. The drug was hidden under the hull of the ''Halophyla', which was moored at the site. The drug was inserted in the port of Santos, in São Paulo, where the ship had berthed from Aug 16 to Aug 23. Federal Police divers managed to remove nine packages with the drugs. Due to the complexity of the type of search, work continues as a way of ensuring that all illegal cargo has been removed. The Terminal was offering the necessary support to the teams involved in the inspections and searches. The inspected vessel was being monitored by the Federal Police, who decided to approach after the vessel berthed at the terminal on Aug 28, even though there was no identification of suspicious movements in the Portocel area. Reports with photos and video: https://gazetabrasil.com.br/brasil/2022/08/30/pf-apreende-450kg-de-cocaina-em-navio-no-espirito-santo/ https://www.folhavitoria.com.br/policia/noticia/08/2022/video-450-kg-de-cocaina-escondidos-em-casco-de-navio-sao-apreendidos-em-porto-do-es
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