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50 kilos of cocaine found at Puerto Marin
50 kilos of cocaine were found on board of the "Cap Beatrice" which wa docked at Puerto Marin on May 4, 2017. One stowaway of Colombian nationality was also found and arrested,as he was connected to drug trafficking. A second person, of Spanish nationality, presumably the one to pick up the cocaine, was arrested, too. The vessel had arrived in port coming from Cartagena. It was not known if any of crew were involved. Spanish reports with photos: http://www.farodevigo.es/portada-pontevedra/2017/05/04/50-kilos-coca-detenidos-puerto/1672713.html http://www.lavozdegalicia.es/noticia/pontevedra/2017/05/04/dos-detenidos-puerto-marin-operativo-antidroga/0003_201705201705041493893453886.htm
Sold to undisclosed buyers for US$ 7.60 Mill.
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